All American Selections winner in 1997. A beautiful variety of basil. The flavor and scent are different than sweet basil, with more licorice flavor. It is tender with a delicious, sweet, and spicy, flavor. It is used in all types of Thai cooking as well as other middle eastern and Asian cuisines. Also great in salads and soups. Compact plant has lovely pink and purple flowers that form in clusters on red stems. Great grown in the landscape, on the patio, and in containers. Highly aromatic and easy to grow. One of the most beautiful and delicious varieties of basil. An excellent variety to choose.
Sowing: Direct sow 1/8-1/4 inch deep in well-drained soil. Sow direct from early spring after danger of frost to mid-summer. Plant in full sun. Keep moderately moist while germinating. Can also be grown indoors.
Germination: 7 days Spacing: 6-8 inches Height: 12-18 inches
Moisture: Normal Days to Maturity: 75 days Light: Full Sun
Care information: Can be succession planted every 3-4 weeks. Begin harvesting when 8-12 inches high. Leaves 2 inches long are ready to harvest. Harvest when the flower heads begin to develop. Do not take off more than one-third of the plant. Harvest on a regular basis. For a whole season of growth, harvest stems at the base of the stem. Also, remove flower before seed matures. Strips stems of leaves and use fesh, or dry on a tray in a dark, airy place. Store dried leaves in an air tight container. Leaves are also great frozen. Make the final harvest before the first frost in the fall.
Ocimum basilicum citriodorum

Basil – Siam Queen (Thai Basil)
Weight | 10 g |
Dimensions | 4 × 0.4 × 4 in |