We provide high quality seeds for an economical price
Here at Life Seed Company we believe in providing high quality seeds for an economical price to both private individuals and commercial enterprises. We carry over 300 varieties of vegetables, herbs, flowers, wildflowers, and wildflower mixes. We also carry several different kinds of gourmet popcorn (for eating,) and organic sprouting seeds and supplies.
Most of the varieties we offer are either Heirloom or open pollinated. A few of the varieties are hybrids, but, to the best of our knowledge, none of the varieties we carry are Genetically Modified (GMO).
We offer most of what we carry in bulk ranging anywhere from ounces to over 50 pounds. Plus we can special order almost anything in one pound or greater quantities.

May You Have an Abundant Yield
Our Story
We started by only carrying a little over a dozen varieties of herbs and wildflowers, and selling at farmers markets. In 2009 we attended our first big show at the Colorado Garden and Home Show. Since then we have been steadily growing every year. Now we are selling seed racks to garden centers.
We package every single seed packet by hand, and we do all our own printing and labeling. It has been our pleasure to provide you seeds of high quality so that you may have an abundant yield. Let us know what we can do to help your garden be a wonderful success. G-d’s blessing upon you.
Thank you and we look forward to doing business with you.
G-d said, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.' - Genesis 1:29