Pea – Oregon Sugar Pod II


SKU: Pea - Oregon Sugar Pod II Category:

Snow Peas.
Tender pods cook up sweet, crunchy. Deliciously sweet and tender treats. This light green edible pod pea variety was developed at Oregon State University. Succulent good quality pods are 4-4 1/2 inches long, frequently set in doubles, holding their pods up, making picking easier, on non-climbing dwarf vines. Snow peas are crisp tender and delicious, full of flavor. Good when eaten raw, cooked, steamed, and in stir fry dishes. Prolific producer. Multi-disease resistant. Peas thrive in cool temperatures of spring and fall. Frost hardy. May be sown from February to late May in cooler climates. Should succession sow every few weeks for continuous production. Easy to grow. A good choice for the garden!
Sowing: First sowing, direct sow in early spring, as soon as soil can be prepared, choose a well drained area. Sow 1/2 to 1 inch deep and 1-1 1/2 inches apart in 3 inch bands. Do not thin. Fall Crop: Sow about 2 months before frost. Keep moist during germination.
Germination: 7-14 days Spacing: Plant spacing 2-3 inches apart. Row spacing: 18-24 inches apart
Days to maturity: 68 days Moisture: Keep evenly moist. Soil: Well drained, rich, fertile, plenty of organic matter
Height: 30-36 inches Light: Full sun
Information: Mulching is recommended to preserve moisture and help reduce weeds. Start harvesting pods just as peas inside start to form. Regular picking will improve yield and flavor of peas. Peas freeze well.

Weight 1 g
Dimensions 4 × 0.75 × 4 in
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