Nasturtium – Dwarf Jewel Mix


SKU: Nasturtium - Dwarf Jewel Mix Category:

Tropaelum minus
This beautiful heirloom features bright colored double 2-2 1/2 inch flowers in shades of orange, yellow, and red, with very ornamental low growing foliage, blooming 6 weeks after sown from seed Jewel Mix Nasturtium will quickly fill a flower bed with wonderful color. The leaves and flowers are edible with a spicy zesty flavor which is good in salads, soups, and other dishes. Thriving in poor soil and very little water , it is very easy to grow. Does well in cool weather. Jewel Mix will make a charming addition in flower beds and borders, a beautiful addition to hanging baskets, patio containers , and window boxes. Excellent cut flowers for small arrangements. A superb selection that will add beauty to any garden!
Sowing: Plant seed 1 inch deep, 3-4 inches apart, in full sun, in the spring after all danger of frost.
Height: 12 inches Spacing: 6-12 inches Bloom Time: Summer through Fall
Days to germination: 10 days Moisture: Low water needs; water when top few inches of soil are dry Light: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Well drained, prefers poor soil.
Information: This plant may deter squash bugs, whiteflies, and rabbits.

Weight 15 g
Dimensions 4 × 0.5 × 4 in
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